Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Last Day!

Ooh, bad me, I haven’t posted in 4 days. Er, 5 days. We have been sitting around the B&B relaxing, running errands, hanging out with my Aunt Pat & Unca Jim and the ‘rents, talking with Rybo (who is leaving the country for his own adventure with Habitat for Humanity soon), walking the dog, and trying to get over not getting any sleep. Curse my light-sleeper genes. Can’t sleep in the basement with the furnace going on and off, can’t sleep upstairs with the sound of the air conditioner, can’t sleep without the air conditioner ‘cause it’s way too muggy..


So today, I’m packing - again - for the final time. Each stop, we have to take stuff out of the bins and suitcases, but now, it’s going in there for the flight, and I’m telling you right now: we are not going anywhere for more than an overnight for at least a few months. No more packing!!

Fortunately, most of the CDs and DVDs we ordered to to be sent to the B&B have arrived. Except for the one I ordered first, two months ago. Of course.

In other news, Jeremy and Kelli have the keys to our apartment! Our guarantors have signed (bless you guys), the landlord received his deposit, so we are definitely not homeless. Thank G-d. Jeremy and Kelli also have a Day From Hell planned for us our first day, but it’s all stuff we have to do, and as exhausted as I’m sure we’ll be, I’d rather get it out of the way and then be able to relax. We have to open up our bank account, sign up for health care, get our cellphones, buy some groceries, oh - and buy a refridgerator and stove.

So this will likely be the last post before we leave. We leave Delaware Water Gap at 0730 hours tomorrow, we have to be at JFK no later than 10am for our 2pm flight. We arrive in Tel Aviv at approximately 7am Israel time (midnite EST, 9pm PST). If you want to watch us (or the flight in general) arrive, Nefesh b’Nefesh will be videocasting live:

That’s all from North America, folks. See you on the other side of the world!!

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